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Start a Program or Event

These are three models of museum-based Events

which emerged from my research.


Which model is the best fit for your museum?




The Community Choir
The One-Person-Band

1 or 2 passionate leaders who get things started and can direct a band of people to get things done.

Graduate Student Capstone

Community of staff comfortable with small changes to normal routine

​Outside training yearly

A strong core team who specialize in access programs and inspire the rest of the museum to join in

Sporadic private Events

Funding led to Regular Events

Existing Access initiative

Funding led to Events

Adapted free-choice learning

Interactive Resource Fair

High-engagement, intensive tour

Steady Corporate Funder

1 Small Foundation +

1 Corporate grant

Host of small foundations and large matching grant

Constant outside + inside training

Inside training per event

Make sure you can support these Must Haves:

1. Champion… and then Partner!


All sites described a Champion in the Event’s beginning. Champions burn out.

2. Partners Inside and Out

Board and museum-wide buy-in takes time.

Work with other museums.


Reach out to your community.

Remember, "Nothing About us Without Us." 

3. Expert Accessibility Training


A main feature of these events is families’ confidence in trained staff. Professional Development for staff improves overall guest experience during regular hours as well.

​​4. Evaluation


A well designed evaluation helps you improve the event, showcases the event to funders, and makes everyone accountable.

​​5. Autism Advisory Group


This resource can help the museum use resources efficiently and effectively. A main goal of many of these events is to make the museum a welcoming, safe place for visitors with family on the autism spectrum. An Advisory Group can help the museum best accomplish this goal and look toward future programs and opportunities. 

​​6. Start thinking about how to improve and add more events for people with ASD


Make sure you fully welcome people with autism into your space by creating a range of experiences and opportunities. 

The Pop Group
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